
Wayne Rooney. World class or not?


Posts: 26
Registered: 06/09/2014

10 Oct 2014 18:19

What do you think about what is now becoming an age-old debate? My own take on it is that it depends on what you think of as World Class. He's definitely not on the same level as Messi, Ronaldo, or even Suarez (chokes me to say his name) and Bale. It's a shame as well because, in my opinion, he had the talent to be up there with them. And 6 or 7 years ago, all the talk was that Rooney, Messi and Ronaldo would be the players that would rule world football. Back then it looked like it was going to happen as well. But Ronaldo and Messi have kicked on to the next level. I think we have seen Rooney already pass his peak. He's still a brilliant player, no doubt about it, but I think he peaked around 2010. And, with that in mind, the sort of money we are paying him is ridiculous.


Posts: 21
Registered: 18/09/2014

10 Oct 2014 18:31

I'll tell you why he hasn't kicked on, and that's because although he's a brilliant footballer, he's not a good professional. Look at the way he struggles with his weight. He is gonna go massive when he finishes playing, just like David Platt and Steve Bruce. He likes going out drinking, and having a crafty cig. My guess is that when training is finished for the day, while Bale and Ronaldo go and hit the gym (look at the physique on those guys), he probably goes to McDonalds, takes it home and scoffs it, plays with the kid until bedtime and maybe gives Coleen one. Even when Ronaldo was a young lad, when he went out on a night out, it would usually be to meet women and have a quiet couple of drinks. You wouldn't find him staggering home at 5am and then pissing up a fence. So is Rooney world class? No, but he should be. And he had the talent to be, but he hasn't made the most of it. And that's a shame.


Posts: 40
Registered: 20/11/2014

31 Aug 2015 13:45

Was just having a look at this from way back, I think we ave probably seen the best of Wayne. I think he actually was world class when he was about 23 - 24. If you remember the 2009 - 10 season, when Ronny had just left he was unplayable for most of that campaign. It seemed to go tits skyward when he got that injury against Bayern Munich, that pretty much ended his season. Since then we have seen brief flashes of what he can do, such as the overhead kick against City, the Hat Trick against Arsenal, but he seems to have been on a very slow decline ever since.

Look at the chance he had yesterday towards the end of the game, the Rooney of five years ago would have either blasted it into the back of the net first time, or had that extra yard of pace that now seems to be missing to not get caught by the defender. Maybe we haven't helped his cause by playing him out on the flanks, in centre midfield and as a number 10.

I still think there's a lot left to give, but I cant see him being the main striker any more.


Posts: 26
Registered: 06/09/2014

05 Sep 2015 19:22

I think it's a little simpler than that. Fergie, Moyes and LVG are all guilty of playing Rooney in lots of different positions. He hadn't played up front for about 3 years prior to this year, so no wonder he isn't the shit hot striker he was when he first came to United.

For me, Rooney should be given a free role behind the striker. He would be able to spray passes all over the pitch (he's still the best passer of a ball at Old Trafford), get involved in linking up the play, and would get his confidence back, hence he would start scoring again. Where we play him now, he doesn't see enough of the ball.


Posts: 37
Registered: 20/11/2014

06 Sep 2015 17:03

Yeah switching him around all the time wont have helped matters. It's because he has so many good qualities that he can adapt to a number of roles, but without really mastering any of them. He'll never reach that World Class status now, but he can still be a key player for United.
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